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Case Study: Appliances Today Are No Longer Medieval!

February 24th, 2025

When it comes to correcting the alignment of teeth, the thought of an expander or some kind of headgear device sometimes conjures up images of medieval torture – or at the very least, a bulky, uncomfortable device. With the right experience and today’s technology, that process is much more reasonable, and comfortable. One of our…
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Question: Who Should Consider Braces?

January 24th, 2025

We hope this articles answers your question! The easiest answer here is anyone with crooked, crowded teeth, teeth that are misaligned or have gaps, or those people who have bite issues. But when a patient asks this question, in most cases they are referring to the age of the prospective patient. Is it wise to…
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Case Study: Surgery Is Sometimes Required To Align Adult Teeth

January 22nd, 2025

Jacob, post treatment, with Dr. Dao, sporting a perfect smile for the holidays! Timing is often the reason for a visit to the orthodontist. In this case, Jacob was planning for the future, hoping for positive results before his wedding. Patient. Jacob was referred to Baltimore Orthodontic Group by his general dentist, who had noted a clinical…
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Case Study: The Possibility Of Straight Teeth Seemed Impossible

January 7th, 2025

John Woodley didn’t think straight teeth were possible for him!) John Woodley would be the first to tell you that his experience with Baltimore Orthodontics was fantastic! Patient. John grew up, and went through adulthood, thinking that he wouldn’t ever have straight teeth. For him, the process and outcome were a dream come true. Problem.…
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Let'sGet Started

The first step towards a beautiful and healthy smile is to schedule an appointment with Baltimore Orthodontic Group with a dedicated team that treats patients of all ages. We work with our patients to find a treatment option that best fits the patients’ needs, including: Invisalign, clear braces and metal braces. We have five convenient orthodontic offices in the Baltimore area. You can schedule your appointment by giving us a call at your preferred location, Ellicott City, Catonsville, Eldersburg, Eastpoint or Lutherville. Contact information is listed below. You can also send a request by email to us by clicking here.
We look forward to meeting you in our office!

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